May 5, 2008

sago---saggu biyyam payasam

this is my first post and I want to share what I know with everyone .this post is about sago In India people use a lot there are maney names for this sago,In hindi it is sabu dana,in telugu-saggu biyyam,inTamil javvu arisi,in kannda-sabbakki,some marathi and oriya people called them sagu dana and some places in up and Biharit is senga dana.Sago is made by tapioca a root most of the people use tapioca also a vegetable.sago is used for sweets and snacks.most of the people in india use this small white pearls as avrath food,after there fasting or infasting time they will have this as a sweet mostly.yesthis is a good food to eat after fasting it gives a lot of energy and it makes your body cool
about sabu dana this is a 2mm diameter,dry white balls when they cooked they become soft and spongy and transparant.InIndonesia people use sago a lot they also make like payasam. sago is used in making of some type noodels as a starch some sweet dishes they use sago as thickening agent.In Brezil they cook sago in wine and they call this sagu.
In 100 gms sabu dana has 358 calories
ther is no fat in saggu biyyam
there is no cholestrol in sago
no sodim in this but carbohiderates are 29%
Hear some Indian recipes with saggu biyyam [sago]
1. saggu biyyam payasam
2. sabu dana kheer
3. sabu dana halva
4. saggu biyyam uppuma
5. sabu dana vada
6. saggu biyyam dosa
7. saggu biyyam pulihora
8. sabu dana kichidi
9. sabu dana -aloo tikki
10 .saggu biyyam punugulu[bonda]
I will post recipes from tomorrow,what I have posted about saggu biyyam if there are any mistakes please post your comments please.
thank you

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