T for Thai cuisine,Thai cuisine is one of the most popular cuisine all over the world. Thai cuisine is mainly divided in to regional cuisines, corresponding to the four main regions. Thai culinary traditions and cuisine are very much influenced by regional and neighbor's. Thai meals typically consist of rice as main dish with many side dishes. Thai curry is one of those side dishes, but these curry are in two different way one like a stew which contain coconut milk and cream with meat or vegetables. this type of curries are popular in central and west Thailand. the other one is dry means stir fries. These Thai curries are much different from Indian curries. Thai curries include lemongrass and lime leaves and shrimp paste which we don't use in Indian curries.
to day my recipe is one of those curries which is well known as Thai Yellow Curry. There are many variations for this yellow curry. this is most popular in west and south regions specially Muslim cuisine. In southern Thailand this dish is known as Kaeng som means sour curry. this recipe contains tamarind, fish and vegetables. The other yellow curry contains coconut milk and coconut cream. But this Yellow curry is much popular out side Thailand other then in the country.
Thai Yellow curry is normally served with steamed rice or round rice noodles.
Let's check the recipe....
Recipe source from Here
Carrots --- 2 medium cut in to small cubes
Baby corn ---- 10 cut in to small cubes
Button mushrooms --- 8 cut in to four
Capsicum green -- 1 small cut in to cubes
Capsicum red --- 1/2 cut in to cubes
Thai basil --- 1 tab sp chopped
Sugar --- 1/2 tea sp
Soy sauce --- 1 tea sp
Coconut milk --- 1 cup thin milk
Coconut milk --- 1/2 cup Thick milk or you can use coconut cream
Oil --- 2 tab sp
Salt to taste
Shallots -- 3 chopped
Coriander seeds --- 2 tea sp
Cumin seeds --- 2 tea sp
Black pepper --- 1/4 tea sp
turmeric powder --- 1 tea sp
Fresh Thai red chillies --- 2 (I used bird eyes chillies)
Galangal or ginger --- 1/2 inch piece
Garlic cloves --- 3 cloves
Kaffir lime leaves --- 2 medium (I didn't fined them so I used 1/2 tea sp of lemon zest
Lemon grass --- 1 stalk
1. Take all ingredients for curry paste in to a blender jar make a smooth paste with a little bit of water and set a side.
2. Heat oil in a pan add curry paste saute for three minutes then add thin coconut milk cook for two minutes.
3. After two minutes add all chopped vegetables, salt, sugar give a good stir and add 2 cups of water or vegetable stock cover and cook till vegetables are cooked and tender.
4. Now add coconut cream or thick coconut milk and soy sauce cover and cook for another five minutes.
5. Finely add chopped basil leaves, cook for one more minute and switch off the heat.
Serve hot with jasmine rice.
Note :- Other then this vegetables you can use Thai eggplants, toffu and fruits like pineapple....
2. If you don't find galangal can use ginger
3. Instead of kaffir lime leaves can use lemon zest but can not replace lemon grass
to day my recipe is one of those curries which is well known as Thai Yellow Curry. There are many variations for this yellow curry. this is most popular in west and south regions specially Muslim cuisine. In southern Thailand this dish is known as Kaeng som means sour curry. this recipe contains tamarind, fish and vegetables. The other yellow curry contains coconut milk and coconut cream. But this Yellow curry is much popular out side Thailand other then in the country.
Thai Yellow curry is normally served with steamed rice or round rice noodles.
Let's check the recipe....
Recipe source from Here
Carrots --- 2 medium cut in to small cubes
Baby corn ---- 10 cut in to small cubes
Button mushrooms --- 8 cut in to four
Capsicum green -- 1 small cut in to cubes
Capsicum red --- 1/2 cut in to cubes
Thai basil --- 1 tab sp chopped
Sugar --- 1/2 tea sp
Soy sauce --- 1 tea sp
Coconut milk --- 1 cup thin milk
Coconut milk --- 1/2 cup Thick milk or you can use coconut cream
Oil --- 2 tab sp
Salt to taste
Shallots -- 3 chopped
Coriander seeds --- 2 tea sp
Cumin seeds --- 2 tea sp
Black pepper --- 1/4 tea sp
turmeric powder --- 1 tea sp
Fresh Thai red chillies --- 2 (I used bird eyes chillies)
Galangal or ginger --- 1/2 inch piece
Garlic cloves --- 3 cloves
Kaffir lime leaves --- 2 medium (I didn't fined them so I used 1/2 tea sp of lemon zest
Lemon grass --- 1 stalk
1. Take all ingredients for curry paste in to a blender jar make a smooth paste with a little bit of water and set a side.
2. Heat oil in a pan add curry paste saute for three minutes then add thin coconut milk cook for two minutes.
3. After two minutes add all chopped vegetables, salt, sugar give a good stir and add 2 cups of water or vegetable stock cover and cook till vegetables are cooked and tender.
4. Now add coconut cream or thick coconut milk and soy sauce cover and cook for another five minutes.
5. Finely add chopped basil leaves, cook for one more minute and switch off the heat.
Serve hot with jasmine rice.
Note :- Other then this vegetables you can use Thai eggplants, toffu and fruits like pineapple....
2. If you don't find galangal can use ginger
3. Instead of kaffir lime leaves can use lemon zest but can not replace lemon grass
Though Thai curries are rich and makes me feel full, I like them. Very lovely yellow curry. This is your second yellow colored curry in a row.. :)
ReplyDeleteI had never heard of this curry. It looks very flavorful. Lovely picture.
ReplyDeletewow such an flavorful and tempting yellow curry :) I love the yellow curry paste a lot , looks mouthwatering dear !!
ReplyDeleteCurry looks amazing Padma..lovely colour!
ReplyDeleteI rarely order Thai yellow curry whenever we go to restaurant, this yellow curry looks simply flavourful and fingerlicking..
ReplyDeleteVery flavorful and my husband will surely love this!
ReplyDeleteLOVE Thai curries and yours looks just perfect.
ReplyDeleteThis is one colorful curry with full of flavors.
ReplyDeleteI love thai curries and this is so hearty with all the veggies you used
ReplyDeleteThe curry looks so good Padma.Must try this one soon
ReplyDeleteThis is the only thai curry I have not tried making as yet. Love it and bookmarking it.
ReplyDeleteYou have made it so well. Bookmarked