Eggplants are considered as a low calore vegetable Eggplant is effective in the treatment of high blood cholesterol.Normally how I make eggplant salad is grild and mixed with other vegetables like capsicum.This is a different recipe which gives a great taste to the salad.Parsely gives a beautiful flavour to this salad and I enjoyed it with roti....
Eggplants --- 2 large cut in to small cubes
Garlic -- 2 cloves crushed
Vinegar -- 2 tab sp
Parsley -- 1 cup finely chopped(nearly 100 g)
Green chillies -- 2 or accor ding to your taste
Salt --- 1/2 tea sp or according to your taste
Olive oil -- 2 tab sp
1.Add half salt to eggplant cubes and leave a side for half an hour
2. Heat water in a sauce pan bring to full boil then add eggplant cubes and cook for 3 minutes.
3.Remove from heat and drain all the water well and keep a side
4. Blend parsley, chillies,remaining salt,vinegar and olive oil and blend in to a fine paste.
5.Add this parsley sesoning to eggplant cubes mix gently, cover and leave it like that for couple of hours and serve.
This salad goes to Prathibha s only salads event and event started by Pari