My second coffee recipe for this week is from Turkey. Turkish coffee is a method of making coffee with out milk. For this not necessary to bring coffee powder or beans from Turkey, they does not produce coffee. But there are some brands in the market for Turkish coffee. This coffee powder is freshly grounded in to a fine powder and not mixed with chicory. You can use any good quality coffee beans but freshly and finely ground powder.
Coffee beans are roasted and ground in to a fine powder then mix the coffee powder with required water and simmered don't boil the water first. Mix the coffee powder and sugar to the water mix well and simmer in pot called Cezve. Again not that you can't make Turkish coffee with out this pot you can use any pot but make sure don't boil. For Turkish coffee use bottled water usually tap water contains a lot of chlorine, so bottle water gives a much better taste to the Turkish coffee.
Adding sugar to the coffee is totally depend on you I like to add a little sugar to my Turkish coffee.Usually we add sugar after making the coffee but in Turkish coffee you should add sugar before brewing the coffee. so as soon as you order your coffee at a Turkish restaurant, you will be asked you would like to have your coffee with or without sugar. But I have seen some people they have a sugar cube in there mouth first then they drink coffee. I tried that too but I like mix in sugar with my coffee.Turkish coffee is served usually after the meal, It is also an important part of the Turkish culture.
Turkish Manual coffee grinder usually Turkish people prefer to grind coffee beans in this manual coffee grinder. you can use this grinder for grounding black pepper also..
So let's check how to make Turkish Coffee...
Freshly ground coffee powder --- 2 tea sp
Water ---- 2 cups
Sugar (optional) --- 2 tea sp (it's my choice)
You can add few cardamom pods or a cinnamon stick to make Turkish coffee with a different flavor.
1. Measure and take two cups of water in the coffee pot, add coffee powder and sugar mix well.
2. Place the coffee pot on the fire in a low flame and start cooking, mix the coffee with a thin spoon.
Make sure the fire should be in low and don't leave the coffee on fire it will boil and spill.
You can see the foam on top before your coffee boil, now take off the coffee pot from the fire and remove this foam and put this foam in to the cups which you are going to serve coffee, and bring back the coffee pot to the flame. This you can repeat for two times then bring to boil. Don't boil the coffee for long.
Take it out from the fire and serve Turkish coffee in the cups
Turkish coffee is always served with a glass of cold water and Turkish delight or nuts or with chocolate.
Turkish coffee never served with milk or cream.

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