Dec 8, 2014

Muesli chocolate chip Cookies

I never make cookies with egg, but when ever I search for a cookie recipe I always find a recipe with eggs. Some how I take a step back baking cookies with egg. When I saw this recipe in Gayathri's blog bookmarked the recipe that time. Now I wanted to try that recipe and checked Gayathri's recipe she made them egg less then I checked the original recipe that is with egg. Will sure give a try to Gayathri's egg less version also. They are crisp and crunchy, not too sweet with chocolate flavor.
Let's check the recipe....  
Muesli   ----   2 cups
Whole wheat flour  ----   1 cup
Baking soda  ----  1 tea sp
Salt  ----  1/2 tea sp
Sugar   ----   3/4 cup
Chocolate chips   ----  3/4 cup
Vanilla extract  ---  1 tea sp
Egg   -----  1
Butter   ---   1/2 cup melted

1. Mix flour, salt and baking soda in a bowl and set a side.
2. In a big mixing bowl beat melted butter, sugar and vanilla and egg and mix well
3. Add flour mixture to the wet mixture and mix well to combine very thing.
4. Add choco chips, muesli mix well and make small ball s out of this dough and press a little bit to flatten it.
5. Place these cookies on a lightly greased tray and bake them in a preheated oven at 175 Degree C for 15 minutes.
6. Remove from oven and let them cool on a wire rack.
Store in a air tight container.
Bake-a-thon 2014
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Dec 5, 2014

Banana Bread (with eggs)

I always bake Banana bread with out eggs, Because I know that mashed ripe banana will act like egg re placer. So no need of adding any eggs in the recipe and I never thought of adding eggs to a fruit based recipe. I don't know some how I am not accepting to mix  a fruit pure with egg. That is my sister she always bake these banana breads with eggs. She use to tell, try that and you will find a better texture and taste. I use to ask her for the recipe every time I will get one answer I don't have any perfect recipe I just add the ingredients like that. I don't know how she makes just like that. Specially baking measurements are most important when ever I bake I just follow the recipe. Other wise the final product will come out like a stone or like a halwa or some thing else. 
                                                                            I don't like ripe bananas not even ripe if I find a black dot on them then I don't eat as a fruit, but I use them in cooking. Again I don't like ripe bananas in fruit salads and fruit custard, I don't know I really heat that smell. If it is a very ripe banana also when you mix it with cake or bread ingredients that smell will disappear!!! 
                                                                           Before I used to make Mangalore buns with ripe bananas are they are going to trash when they are over ripe. After I found this Banana bread recipe with eggs or with out eggs There is now wastage of banana...
 Let's check the recipe...
Recipe adopted from here   
All purpose flour  ---  1 3/4 cup
Baking soda  ---  1 and half tea sp
Salt   ----   3/4 tea sp
Eggs  ----  3 large
Sugar   -----   1 and half cups
Mashed ripe bananas  --  1 cup that is two large bananas (I used long yellow bananas)
Vegetable oil   ----  3/4 cup
1. Preheat the oven at 180 degree C for 10 minutes.
2. Whisk flour, baking soda,salt in a mixing bowl to combine well.
3. Whisk Eggs, mashed banana, oil in a large bowl till smooth.
4. Add dry ingredients to banana mixture and just mix till combine well (don't over mix).
5. Pour the batter in to greased tins and smooth on top.
6. Bake this banana bread tins in a preheated oven for 60 minutes or till done insert the tooth pic and check if the tooth pic comes out clean you r banana bread is ready other wise you can keep it in the oven for few more minutes.
7. Remove from the oven and cool it on a wire rack then cut in to slices
You can enjoy this banana bread as it is or serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of a banana bread slice and garnish with chopped nuts and chocolate sauce serve it as a dessert yumm right?

Bake-a-thon 2014

Dec 4, 2014

Balekai Menaskai (Raw Banana Curry)

To day I am going to take you all to Udupi to enjoy the flavors of One of the world famous Udupi Cuisine. One of the most popular vegetarian south Indian cuisine. This cuisine is developed by Shivalli Madhwa Brahmins who cook food for Lord Krishna of the Sri Krishna Matha, Udupi, Lord Krishna is offered different varieties of food every day. The cuisine is in satvik tradition of Indian vegetarian cusine using no onion , no garlic and of  course no meat. so the main ingredients in Udupi cuisine are vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, milk. The variety and range of dishes are wide and hallmark of the cuisine, most of the ingredients are locally available.
                                                                  There are many typical dishes in this traditional cuisin, Menaskai is one of them which is a sambar like gravy mostly made with fruits like pineapple, mango or with vegetables and grains. This is a must side dish in a full course meal  which is served on a plantainleaf on special occasions. Now here is the recipe for Balekai Menaskai (Raw Banana curry in Udupi style).
Let's check the recipe. 
Raw banana ----  3 no.
Black channa  ----  1/4 cup
Toor dal  ----   1 tab sp
Tamarind  ---  golf ball size
jaggery  --- 1 tab sp grated
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder  --- 1/2 tea sp
Coriander seeds  -- --  2 tea sp
Cumin seeds  ----  3/4 tea sp
Urad dal  ---   1/2 tea sp
Channa dal   ----  1/2 tea sp
Fenugreek seeds  ----  1/4 tea sp
dry red chilli  ----  4
Curry leaves   ----  few
Grated coconut  ---  3/4 cup
Oil ---  2 tea sp
Mustard seeds   ---- 1/2 tea sp
Urad dal   ----  1/2 tea sp
Cumin seeds  ---  1/4 tea sp
Curry leaves   ----  1 spring.
1. Peel the skin of raw banana and cut in to small cubes, Keep these raw banana pieces immersed in salted water and set a side.
2. Soak tamarind in water for 10 minutes and extract the thick juice and set a side.
3. Pressure cook black channa and toor dal till soft and set a side.
4. Heat one tea sp oil in a pan and fry coriander seeds, cumin seeds, urad dall, channa dal, fenugreek seeds, red chillis, and curry leaves one by one till golden.
5. Grind all those ingredients with grated coconut in to a semi fine paste with little water and set a side.
6. Drain the water from raw banana pieces, add fresh water, turmeric powder, jaggery and bring to full boil, reduce the heat to medium and cook till banana pieces become soft.
7. Once banana pieces are cooked add cooked black channa, toor dal, masala paste, salt to taste add little water and bring to  full boil and switch off the heat.
8. Heat remaining oil in a pan add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, urad dall fri till golden then add curry leaves and add this seasoning to Balekai Menskai (Raw banana curry).
Notes: ---  You can use pineapple, little ripe mango for making this curry.
Keep the flame low and fry the masala ingredients to prevent burning.
coconut should not grind in to fine paste keep it little coarse.
Make sure the banana pieces are well cooked before you add masala other wise it is very difficult to cook banana pieces( they take more time to cook) by the time masala flavor will go off...
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Dec 3, 2014

Avarekalu Saaru

Today we are going to start another BM for this BM my theme for the first week one state different cuisines. In India we have 29 states each state has different regions with different cultures. the cuisine of each state changes according to it's regions. Karnataka is one of the Indian states with different regions and cultures. My choice for the first recipe is from Bangaluru. Some how Iam very much attached to Bengaluru. May be because I lived in this garden city for almost 15 years!!. any way coming to the recipe.
                                                                     Avarekalu Saaru is one of the most popular dish in winter season here. Because that is the season for this Avarekalu, if you visit Bangaluru in winter you can find lot's of  fresh avarekalu every corner of the street. They make lot's of variety dishes with this beans. Kannadigas  just love to have them in every meal in the season. The dishes like Avarekalu akki tari uppitu, Avarekalu akki rotti, Avarekalu palya, avarekalu saaru, Avarekalu sambar many more like this. This Avarekalu saaru is a favorite with ragi mudde all over Karnataka specially in Bangaluru and my husband is a die hard fan of this combination. There are many variation in this saaru recipe, some may add onion, ginger, garlic. My recipe is no onion and no garlic recipe which I got from a friend of mine.
Lets check the recipe...
Avarekalu in Kannada,
In English  Lima or Hyacinth beans
In Tamil  Mochai, Surati pappdi in Gujarath Val beans in Marathi, Anapa ginjalu in Telugu

Avarekalu  ---  2 cups
Tomatoes  ---  2 big cut in to two
Grated fresh coconut ---  1/4 cup
Green chillies  ----   6 or according to your taste
Rasam powder   ----  3 tea sp
Cumin seeds  ---  1 tea sp
Turmeric powder  ---  1/2 tea sp
Fresh coriander leaves  --  1 cup
Salt to taste
Ghee  ---  1 tea sp
Mustard seeds  ---  1 tea sp

1. Take tomatoes, green chillies, avarekalu in to a pressure cooker add some salt and 3 cups of water and cook for two whistles switch off the heat and let it cool.
2. Take out the tomatoes, green chillies and two tab sp of Avarekalu and allow them to cool.
Set a side the remaining boiled avarekalu along with the water.
3. Grind grated fresh coconut, cumin seeds, rasam powder, cooked tomatoes, green chillies and  avarekalu with fresh coriander leaves, turmeric powder and rasam powder. Add little water and make a smooth paste.
4. Add this masala to the avarekalu which we set a side with water taste and adjust salt. If require add little more water and bring to a full boil, turn down the heat to low and cook for 5 more minutes.
5. Heat ghee in a pan add mustard let them splutter then add this seasoning to the Avarekalu saru and switch off the heat.
Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.
Serve hot with steamed rice or Ragi mudde.
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Cumin Cookies (Sweet and Salt)

My today recipe for Bakeathon is cookie recipe, with a different taste and flavor. These cookies are with mixed taste of sweet, salt and with cumin flavor. I always bake this cookies for my father but with out cumin seeds. My father enjoys his evening tea with snacks like muruku, vampoosa, cookies like this,  but he don't eat heavy snacks like vada, bajji, bonda. My father says they make him full so it's very difficult to have dinner. So always my mother and me will keep this muruku like snacks ready. I remember my mother used to bake cookies on a tawa and she always bake her cakes in pressure cooker. Now she is not able to do so much work, poor amma she have done a lot for us.   Last time when I was baking them wanted make them little more interesting.
So lets check the recipe
All purpose flour  ---  1 cup and 2 tab sp extra
Butter   ----  1/2 cup at room temperature (I used unsalted, can use salted also in that case reduce the salt amount which I gave in the ingredients)
Salt  ---  1/4 tea sp
Sugar  ---  1/4 cup
Cumin seeds  ---- 1 tab sp 

1. Dry roast cumin seeds in a pan  till you get nice aroma from them and set a side.
2. In a mixing bowl take sugar and butter and beat till creamy.
3. Add flour, salt, cumin seeds to the sugar and butter mixture and mix till all the ingredients comes together and form in to a dough.
4. Make small balls out of the dough and press a little bit to flat the cookies. Place the cookies in a baking tray .
5. Preheat the oven 150 degree c for 10 minutes.
6. Place the cookie tray in the oven and bake at 150 degreeC for 10 to 12 minutes.
7. Remove from the oven and let them cool on a wire rack for some time.
Store this cumin flavored cookies in a air tight container.
Enjoy the sweet and salty cumin flavored cookies with a cup of tea.
Blogger Code Bake-a-thon 2014

Dec 1, 2014

Vanilla Sponge Cake (Eggless)

Bake-a thon this is the other marathon started by Valli. This bakeathon is going on at her place from few years every year in December. But some how I couldn't take part in this every year, may be because I stop baking for some time. May be focusing more on bm recipes or because of my health reasons any way finally I joined this group. 
                                                                                       Now coming to my first recipe for this Bakeathon is one of the oldest recipe which I have note down from a Telugu magazine long back (before my marriage that is almost 24 years back) and I tried it for two or three times in my round oven. Yes round oven I used to have that, which I got as a first gift from my husband and I used it for long time. Those days I bake only two recipes they were simple vanilla cake with eggs and the second one is a chocolate cake. I used to mix some coco powder in the same vanilla cake recipe that was my chocolate cake. Other then these two cakes I bake this egg less cake, but comparative to that vanilla cake this egg less cake gets less marks every time because that is with eggs. I didn't find much difference but my husband says that If one is addicted to this normal cakes which are with eggs they cannot accept egg less cakes it seems, I don't know this but I can enjoy both. 
So let's check the recipe..:) 
All purpose flour (maida) ---  250 grams
Condensed milk  ----   400 grams (one tin I used milkmaid )
Baking powder  ---  2 tea sp
Baking soda  ---  1 tea sp
Milk   ---  1 cup
Butter   ---  100 grams
Vanilla essence  ---  few drops

1. Shift the flour,baking powder, baking sods for two times and set a side.
2. Mix milk, vanilla essence and set a side.
3. Grease a baking tin with little butter and dust with flour and set a side
4. Preheat the oven at 180 degree C for 20 minutes.
5. In a mixing bowl take butter and condensed milk beat for few seconds.
6. Now add half milk to the butter and condensed milk mixture and beat for one second.
7. Then add half of the flour mix well to combine well, Now add little more milk and mix well.
8. Now add remaining flour and mix well, then add remaining milk and mix well to combine every thing, Do not over beat the batter just mix well to combine every thing.
That means add milk and flour little by little alternately and mix well.
9. Pour the batter in to the greased baking tin and bake the cake at 175 degree C for 45 minutes.
This baking time depends on you oven heat mine took 45 minutes so keep an eye on your oven while baking. 
10. Remove from oven and cool it on a wire rack then cut it in to pieces.
Bake-a-thon 2014
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Nov 24, 2014

Lebanese Macarouns

Lebanese Macarouns or Macaroons both are same but a little difference in spelling. Those have nothing to do with French Macarons just the name sounds like that. Lebanese Macarouns are made with flour, fine semolina and aniseed powder. When you bite them can feel a mixed flavor of ani seed powder, rose and orange blossom water. Not only in Lebanese cuisine these macarouns you can find in some other Middle eastern countries cuisine also.
                                                            But surprisingly this recipe is very much resemble to our Gavvalu recipe in Andhra Cuisine. Only thing we use cardamom powder to give flavor and make them in a small size, making process is almost same. This recipe I wanted to make for International BM, couldn't make it. So I wanted to post this for this month BM under 44 th Mega Marathon Bookmarks
Let's check the recipe.. 
Flour (maida) ---  1 and half cups
Semolina   --- 1 cup (I used chiroti rava)
Sugar   ----  1/2 cup
Aniseed powder  ---   1 tab sp
Mahlab  --- 1/4 (I used badaam powder)
Baking powder  --- 1/2 tea sp
Sunflower oil  ----  1/3 cup
Water ---  1/2 cup
Salt a pinch
Oil for deep frying

Sugar  ---  2 and half cups
Water  --- 1and half cups
Lemon juice  --  1 tea sp
Rose water  ---  1 tea sp
Orange blossom water  --- 1 tea sp
1. In a large bowl mix all ingredients except water. Add little by little water and make a firm water. Leave this dough for at least one hour.
2. For sugar syrup add sugar and water in a sauce pan bring to a full boil in a medium heat till sugar dissolves.
3. Add lemon juice and cook syrup becomes thick (like badush syrup), then add orange blossom water, remove from heat and set a side.

4. To make Maakrouns take walnut size ball roll each ball in to a finger like shape.
5. Press each on cheese grater to give a pattern on the dough and roll it down with your finger, keep the dough rolled with out sealing the edges.
6. Deep fry the maakroun in hot oil till golden.
7. Remove from oil drain well and drop them in the syrup leave it at least for one minute then remove from the syrup.
Serve warm with tea or coffee...
1. Mahlab is an aromatic spice powder what we find in Middle eastern ciusine that is made with a type of cherry seed and some spices. I didn't find that in India so I replaced it with Almond powder. 
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Nov 19, 2014

Garlicky Red Bell Pepper Dip

I wanted to bake French baguette, but still I have some pieces of sun dried tomato and basil bread. I wanted to finish that so I made a dip with red bell pepper. Before I made chutney with red bell pepper, that goes well with dosa. Now I have to make a spread which pair well with any bread that should be less spicy and creamy. First I thought of using cream cheese but wanted to make it little healthy. Find this recipe in a book called delicious dips which my sister gave me.
                                                      This recipe contain two types of nuts and bread crumbs. I used both nuts but removed bread crumbs. Because I didn't have fresh bread crumbs in hand and also some how I didn't like that option if you like can add bread crumbs. 
Let's check the recipe.....
Roasted red bell pepper   ----  1 big 
Red chillies (bird eye red chilli) ---  2
Walnuts  ----  1 tab sp roasted
Pine nuts  ----  1 tab sp
Garlic cloves  ---  3 mashed
Lemon juice ---  juice of one lemon
Olive oil  ---  1 tabsp
Bread crumbs  ---  2 tab sp ( I didn't add bread crumbs if you like can add)
1. Roast bell pepper on stove how we roast eggplant for bharta, let it cool and peel the skin.
2. Take roasted bell pepper, red chillies, walnuts, pine nuts, garlic, lemon juice, bread crumbs (if using), olive oil and blend in to a smooth paste.
Serve with any bread or crackers or with chips. 
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Nov 18, 2014

Broccoli And Almond Soup

I made  broccoli and almond soup  to go with Sum dried tomato and basil loaf. This combination really very delicious with basil flavor in the bread and broccoli flavor in the soup
Almonds  ---   25 blanched and peeled
Broccoli  ---  1 medium cut in to florets
Onion  ---  1 small cut in to cubes
Milk  ----   1 an half cups
Salt to taste
Cream  ---  1/2 cup
Olive oil ---  1 tea sp
Crushed black pepper   ----  1/2 tea sp

1. Heat  olive oil in a pan add onion stir once then add broccoli, almonds and cook for five minutes.
2. Add salt cook till broccoli become soft, remove from heat and let it cool.
3. Make a coarse puree with little milk and broccoli mixture.

4. Now bring back the broccoli puree to the pan.
5. Add remaining milk and cream cook on a low heat, bring to full boil and switch off the heat.
6. Add salt and crushed black pepper mix well and serve hot top with cream and sprinkle sliced almonds.
I served with sun dried tomato and basil bread
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Nov 17, 2014

Sun Dried Tomato and Basil Loaf

Baking some how I stopped baking after I came bake to India. When I was in Abudhabi I used to bake every week,but after I came back I don't know what happened to me. Specially breads I really stopped baking breads. When valli announced this theme the yeast every month I wanted to pic but every time I used to postpone it. This month I choose this theme the yeast, theme for my third week recipes and I choose Veena's Sun dried tomato and basil loaf. This loaf taste too good with basil flavor. Thank you so much for the recipe Veena we enjoyed it with Broccoli soup and red bell pepper dip...
Let's check the recipe..  
All purpose flour  ---  1 cup (125 gms)
Whole wheat flour   --- 1 cup (125 gms)
Active dry yeast  ----  1 and half tea sp
Sugar   ---  1 tea sp
Salt   ----  1 tea sp
Sun dried tomato  --- 1/4 cup
Fresh basil   ----  1/4 cup
Olive oil    ---- 3 tab sp
Tomato puree  ---  2 tab sp
Warm water  ---   1/3 cup to 1/2 cup

1. Measure all the ingredients and keep it ready..
2. Mix flour with salt and set a side.
3. Add yeast to warm water with sugar and let it rise for 2 minutes.

4. Add this yeast mixture tomato puree to the flour make a dough and knead well for 7 minutes. to make a soft dough.
5. Grease a wide bowl and place the dough and cover it, leave a side to rise, Mine took 15 minutes to rise or you can leave it till it double in size.
6.  After the first rise punch down the dough a little.
7. Add sun dried tomatoes, fresh basil leaves and knead gently, knead a little bit applying olive oil.
8. Roll this sun dried tomato and basil dough 1/4 inch thick rectangle then fold this in to loaf shape
9. Grease a baking tray, place the loaf on the prepared tray cover it loosely and leave it for the second rise that took 10 minutes for me

10. Preheat oven at 180 degree C .
11. Now brush the loaf with egg wash or with milk and bake this loaf at 180 degree C for 20 minutes  or till done
Let it cool then slice.
Serve warn with a dip or soup.
What mistakes I have done is:--
I leave my dough for second rise for too long because of that my bread became flat so keep checking when you leave it for rise.
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Nov 14, 2014

Rajasthani Badaam Halwa

Rajasthani  Badaam Halwa this is the recipe for this month Indian Cooking Challenge. The recipe is simple with less ingredients. I know there is a Badaam halwa recipe in Tamilnadu that is cut in to pieces before serving. I never made it but I tasted it many times, this badam halwa have grains of badaam This I have tasted in my aunt's (atta) place. 
                                                                                      This Rajasthani recipe is almost same like Tamilnadu recipe. When Valli announced this delicious badaam halwa recipe for ICC I wanted to check the texture. I goggled a lot but didn't find any picture of typical Rajasthani Badam Halwa . There are many versions of badaam halwa but I need a picture of typical Rajasthani recipe picture. Finally I decided to make this Halwa with out knowing the texture. That came out so well, tasted delicious, but only this is my badaam paste is little over fried. So take care when you frying the Badaam paste. when I was frying the badaam paste Some body rang the bell and i keep on talking with them and for got about the halwa on the stove. So don't go any were when you are making the halwa. In my halwa only the color is little dark the taste was heavenly delicious.
Let's check the recipe...   
Almonds  ---  1/4 cup
Ghee (clarifaid butter) ---  4 tab sp
Sugar  ----  4 tab sp
Cardamom --- a big pinch
Water or milk for grinding the almonds


1. Soak almonds for over night.
2. Wash and peel the almonds, after peeling wash the almonds again.
3. Grind the almonds in to a fine paste using water or milk (I used milk to give the Halwa a rich taste.).
4. Heat ghee in a non stick pan and add the almond paste and roast till it turn in to pink color.
Keep the heat low and keep stirring till the almond paste turn in to pink color.
5. Once almond paste turn in to pink start adding water little by little to bring halwa consistency  keep stirring..
6. Add sugar and cardamom powder (I grind sugar with cardamom seeds and added to almond mixture.).
7. Mix well and cook till  ghee leaves from the sides.
What mistakes I made is :--
My Almond paste is not finely griended There are some pieces left in the mixee jar with out checking I added the almond paste to the ghee
My almond paste is little over fried, Don't leave it on the stove keep stirring till you finish the Halwa 

Nov 12, 2014

Nimmakaya Pachadi (Lemon Pickle)

My final recipe for this week with lemon is a lemon pickle. Lemon pickle is my all time favorite with hot rice and a drop of ghee or with curd rice. In this recipe also there are few veriations. In some recipes they give seasoning with sesame oil. But in my recipe I do not give any seasoning to the pickle. Some times jaggery also added to the lemon pickle to make it sweet lemon pickle. I never tried this sweet lemon pickle.
                                                                   From my childhood  I saw my mother making this Pickle every year. She used to make lemon pickle with out red chilli powder and store it in big jars. When ever we need She used to take a small portion and mix red chilli powder. Every time when my mother starts mixing this pickle, I will be ready with a bowl of rice. After my mother take out the pickle, immediately I used to mix rice in that bowl that rice will be delicious you know. Any way that is my choice.
Let's check the recipe.
Lemons  --- 25 
Salt  ---- 1/2 cup
Fenugreek powder ---  2 tea sp
Turmeric powder  ---  2 tea sp
Red chilli powder   ---  2/3 cup
1. Wipe lemons with a dry soft cloth and leave them a side to dry properly.
2. Cut lemons in to quarters or you can make smaller pieces. That depends on the lemon size if the lemons are too big you can cut them in to six pieces.
3. Mix salt, turmeric powder, fenugreek powder in a big bowl add lemon pieces to this salt mixture mix well to combine every thing.
4. Store in a dry clean ceramic or glass jar for three days.
5. After three days mix well and add red chilli powder and mix well to combine.
If you want to add seasoning to this pickle can do it on the third day
for seasoning:--
Sesame oil --- 1/2 cup
Mustard seeds  ---  1 tab sp
Fenugreek seeds  ---  1/2 te asp
Dry red chillies   ---  10 broken
Heat oil in a pan add mustard seeds let them splutter then add broken red chillies, fenugreek seeds fry for a second and switch off the heat.
Let the oil coll completely to room temperature and add this seasoning to the lemon pickle mix well.
cover and leave a side for a day then use.
Serve with rice and dall or with curd rice.
Notes:-- If we add chilli powder  for the whole pickle the pickle will become dry and the sourness of the lemon will kill the spiciness of the chilli powder and one more thing is some people don't like the lemon pickle with chilli powder so that they can have it like that with out chilli powder. In my home My dad likes this pickle with out chilli powder.
And one more thing After having fever we feel like having some thing to make our taste buds better That time we can have this plain lemon pickle with curd rice. Even we can give this to kid's 
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Nov 11, 2014

Lemon Methi Rice

I wanted to post a juice recipe for today's lemon recipe. But in the last movement I changed my post. Because I got some fresh methi leaves in the market today so I decided to make this delicious Methi Lemon rice.
                                                     This is  little different then normal lemon rice. Fresh chopped methi leaves gives a wonderful flavor. Methi and lemon flavors blends very well with the food, means the combination goes well. And the seasoning with ground nuts and channa dal gives acrunchy texture to the rice. Totally this is a flavor full and perfect dish for lunch box too.
Let's check the recipe
Methi (fenugreek leaves)  ---  1 and half cup chopped
Onion  ---  1 medium chopped
Lemon juice  ---  2 tab sp
Oil   ----  2 tab sp
Ground nuts ---  1/4 cup
Musterd seeds  ---  1/4 tea sp
Channa dal  ----  1/2 tea sp
Dry red chillies  ---  2 broken
Curry leaves  --- 1 spring
Salt to taste
Grated coconut  --- 1/2 cup
Green chillies  ---  3
Lemon juice  --  2 tea sp
Turmeric powder  ---  1/2 tea sp
Rice  ---  1 cup
1. Grind grated coconut and green chillies with turmeric powder and lemon juice in to a coarse paste. If required you can add a tab sp water and set a side.
2. Cook 1 cup rice with two cups of water and spread on a plate to cool.
3. Heat oil in a pan add mustard seeds let them splutter then add ground nuts, channa dal, broken dry red chillies, curry leaves fry for a while then add chopped onion and fry till onion turns transulent.
4. Now add chopped methi leaves and fry for 4 minutes then add ground masala and fry till oil separates from it.
5. Add two tab sp lemon juice, salt and switch off the heat mix well.
6. Add cooked rice to this methi and lemon mixture, mix well to combine every thing.
Serve with onoin pakoda or mirchi bajji
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Nov 10, 2014

Nimmakaya Pappucharu

 We have started second week blogging marathon for this month.My theme for this week is with Lemon recipes, that means Lemon is the key ingredient in my recipes, and my first recipe with lemon is typicaly from Andhra cuisine, that is Nimmakaya Pappucharu. There are some variations with this recipe, some make this as a dall. In my home my mother use to make this as Pappucharu. Pappucharu  is a type of thick rasam with dal , but this Pappucharu did not contain any powders like rasam powder. When we make pappucharu with tur dall we add any one vegetable not mixed vegetables like sambar. But when we make pappucharu with moong dall and lemon other then onion slices we do not add any other vegetables.
                                                                                         This Nimmakaya Pappucharu is an easy to digest food so you can give this to kids with rice and a drop of ghee. Make it little thin by adding more water and have it as a soup. This will be a best home remedy for cold, if you would like to have this as a soup you can add finely chopped coriander. 
Let's check the recipe....
Moong dall – 1 cup
Green challis – 4 no. or according to your taste(remove chillies if you want to give this to kids)
Onion --- 1 cut in to slices
A few curry leaves
Lemon juice ---  2 table sp
Oil – 1 tea sp
Mustard --- 1/2 tea sp
Cumin seeds ---- 1 tea sp
Asafoetida – 1/2 tea sp
Water --- 11/2 cup and 1 cup more
Salt to taste
Ghee – 1 tea sp
Turmeric powder – 1/2 tea sp
 1.  Heat ghee in a pan and fry moong dall till nice aroma comes out then add cut green challis in to half and add to dall with 1 and half cup water and cook till dall become very soft(you can use pressure cooker for this).
 2.  Remove from fire and mash dall very smooth can blend this in a blender also.
 3.  Add sliced onion to the mashed dall and add 1 cup water and bring to a boil.
 4.  Now add turmeric powder and lemon juice and curry leaves again bring to a boil add salt to taste.
  5.  Heat oil in a small pan add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, Asafoetida let them splutter and add this to pappucharu.
Serve this with rice and any dry curry like Aritikaya upma kura is a good combination for this, or you can enjoy this with fried egg.

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Nov 4, 2014

Chikkudukaya Kandipappu koora

In Andhra cuisine we have three types of curries like pulusu kooralu (gravies), Mudda kuralu (semi gravies) vepudu or podikooralu (stir fries). Most of the recipes in Andhra cuisine contain onions, but most of the brahmin recipes are no onion no garlic recipes. Normally Podikooralu(stirfry) are made with vegetables boiled and then stir fried with seasoning. In Tamil nadu these stir fries are known as poriyals and garnished with grated coconut. In Andhra cuisine we don't add much coconut in any recipes If it is a gravy or stir fry. When we boil the vegetable and stir fry them, in this recipe we don't add onion but we add garlic that depends on the vegetable. Means the vegetable pair well with garlic then we add garlic in the tempering or make a garlic chilli powder and add that in the end. when we add half boil dal to the same vegetable then we do not use garlic. This chikkudukaya kandi pappu podi kura is one of them. This recipe I learn from my Grand Mother, I think she picked that recipe from our cook who is a brahmin lady. She used to do the same recipe with cabbage, greens like amaranth leaves, Ponaganti kura (sorry I don't know the other names of this greens any body know please let me know.)
chikkudu kayalu  ---  sem phali, Phali, avarakka, Indian broad beans
Let's check the recipe...
 photo chikkudukayapappukura.jpg INGREDIENTS:--
Tur dall  ---  1 cup
Chikkudu kayalu  ---  250 gms
Turmeric powder   --- 1/4 tea sp
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder  ----  1 tea sp
For seasoning:-----
Oil  --- 1 tab sp
Mustard seeds  ---  1/2 tea sp
Urad dal   ---  1 tea sp
Cumin seeds  --- 1/2 tea sp
Dry red chillies  -- 2 broken
Curry leaves one spring
1. Wash and tare the chikkudu kayalu one in to four pieces.
2. Add salt, turmeric powder and cook till soft remove from heat,drain the water and set a side.
3. Cook dall in enough water till half cooked, drain the extra water (save this water and the water which we drained fro chikkudukayalu also we can use this water for rasam) set a side.
4. now heat oil in a frying pan add mustard seeds let them splutter then add urad dall, broken red chillies, cumin seeds, curry leaves fry for a while then add boiled chikkudukayalu stir fry for five minutes.
4. Add half cooked dall give a good stir then add red chilli powder cook for two more minutes and switich off the heat.
Serve this chikkudukaya kandipappu podi koora with plain rice and rasam or any pulusu
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Nov 3, 2014

Chow Chow Poricha Kozhambu

Four more editions to reach 50th BM, today we are going to start 46th BM. This month first week my theme is No Onion No Garlic recipes. When ever I think about this no onion no garlic recipes, I will be in confusion what to use for gravy. There are some recipes that they didn't contain onion for gravy specially Koottu recipes and also some Kozhambu recipes from Tamil Nadu cuisine. This Poricha kootu and Kozhambu recipes are mostly no onion and no garlic recipes. To day my recipe is from those no onion no garlic recipes from Tamil Nadu. 
                                                                      Poricha Kozhambu's are made with one are with a combination of vegetables and with a masala of coconut and spices. You can use any vegetables like pumpkin, chow chow, snack gourd, or mixed vegetables like potato, carrot, beans, eggplant and any other vegetables. To day my Poricha Kozhambu is with chow chow. Chow chow is a vegetable very rich in amino acids and vitamin C and also I have read in some book about this vegetable is very rich in water content and fiber, also helps in dissolving kidney stones. The fresh chow chow should be in nice green color (like green apple) so check select and by nice fresh green color chow chow. you can use this vegetable in salads, curries, and also in sambar.Eating raw this vegetable is very good for health.
So let's check the recipe....
Tur dal  --  1 cup
Chow chow  ---  1 big pealed and cut in to small cubes
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder  ---  1/2 tea sp
For masala :--
Urad dal  ---  2 tab sp
Red chillies   --- 10
Black pepper  --- 10 corns
Grated coconut  ---  2 tab sp
Cumin seeds  --- 1/2 te asp
Asafoetisa  ---  1/2 tea sp
Oil  --- 1 tea sp (gingelly oil preferably)
For seasoning:
Gingelly oil  ---  2 tab sp
Mustard seeds  ---  1 tea sp
Red chillies  ---- 2
Urad dal   ---  1/2 tea sp
Curry leaves  --- 1 spring.

1.Heat one tea sp oil in pan and roast masala ingredients one by one, first fry red chilles remove and keep a side then add urad dal fry till golden remove and add to red chillies, add grated coconut to the same pan and fry till golden remove and add to dal and red chillies, at last fry cumin and black pepper.
2. Grind all this fried ingredients with Asafoetida in to a coarse powder and keep it a side.
3. Cook 1 cup tur dal with enough water till done or you can cook in a pressure cooker till three whistles and set a side.
4. In a pan boil the chow chow cubes with little salt and turmeric till tender.
5. Now add masala powder to chow chow pieces and cook for three more minutes.
6. After three minutes add cooked dal to the chow chow and masala mixture and cook for three more minutes.
7. Heat two tab sp of gingelly oil in a pan add mustard seeds let then splutter then add urad dal, red chillies, and curry leaves fry for a while and add this seasoning to Kozhambu.
Serve hot with rice and appalam(pappad)
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Oct 25, 2014

Vamu Poosa

My second recipe under Festival Special for this week is Vam Poosa. Vam poosa is version of sev  in Andhra pradesh. This version of sev is little different then normal sev what we use in chat. sev is made with only besan and make with small holes. Vam poosa is made with a mixture of besan and rice flour and flavored with vamu (ajwain). These are little thick then sev and can not use in chat. We don't use red chilli powder in this recipe, in the place of red chilli powder we use crushed black pepper and lot's of vamu so that the name came to this as vam poosa..
Let's check the recipe...
Chick pea flour (besan, gram flour)  ----  2 cups
Rice flour  ----   1 cup
Oil   -----  2 tab sp
Salt   ----  1 and half tea sp
Vamu (ajwain)  ---   2 tea sp(course ground)
Black pepper  ----  1 tea sp  (course ground)
Water  ----  1 and half cup
Oil for deep frying
1. Take gram flour, rice flour, salt, ground ajwain, ground black pepper mix well.
2. Heat 2 tab sp oil in a pan till smoking point, add this hot oil to flour mixture and mix with a spoon to combine well.Take care don't use your hand because oil in very hot.
3. Now add water little by little and make a soft dough. Now mix well with your hand to make a soft dough, don't over mix just mix till you can make a soft dough.
4. Set a muruku press with round medium holes plate in muruku press. in the same time heat oil in adeep frying pan to fry vam poosa
5. Place the dough in muruku press and press the dough in to hot oil to form circles.
6. Fry in a medium heat till golden remove from oil , drain the oil and let them cool.
Store in a airtight container.
Vam poosa is abest combination with coffee or tea and also with sambar rice and rasam rice...
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Oct 24, 2014

Butter Muruku

This year deepavali I didn't make any sweets like Ariselu (athirasam ) or burfi's or any other special sweets. But made a very little quantity of kheer and poornalu for prasad. No body is there at home that who like to have sweets. I am the only one who can enjoy sweets at home rest of them are diabetic people. I made a very little amount of kheer and poornalu, with this little amount itself I am scared of these people(my dad and my husband). I made some snacks like Butter muruku, Vamposa and nippattu for this Deepavali.
So let's check my first recipe Butter Muruku...
Rice flour ---- 2 cups
Fried chick pea flour (putnalu, porikadalai, hurigadala.daliya, chutney dal, veyinchina senagapappu) - 1/2 cup (dry roast fried chick peas till little warm and grind them in to a fine powder)
Chick pea flour (besan, senagapindi, kadala mavu) --- 1/2 cup
Salt to taste
Butter – 1 tab sp
Red chili powder --- 1 1/2 tea sp (according to your taste)
Seasame seeds – 2 tab sp

Cumin seeds  ---  1 tea sp
Oil for frying

1. In a big bowl mix 3 flours, salt to taste, Red chili powder, and seasame seeds, cumin seeds mix well. 

2. Now add 1tab sp butter and rub with your hand and mix well.
3. Add enough water and knead in to a soft dough 
4. In the same time heat oil in a deep frying pan for deep frying the muruku. 
5. Fix the disc with star hole in the muruku maker and press on top of a polythene sheet. 
6. Now lift them from the sheet and drop in to hot oil and fry till golden color in a medium heat. 
7. Remove from oil and place then on a kitchen towel, let them cool for a while and break then in to two inch pieces.
Store in a airtight container .Note:-- 
1.  Make sure that your fried gram flour is a fine powder(grind it in to a very fine powder other wise your muruku will split as soon as you drop them in the oil. Use the quantaty what we give in the ingredients list, that is for 2 cups rice flour 1/2 cup fried gram powder, if you add more then this your muruku will drink the oil and they turned out oily.
2. Same thing with butter if you add more then 1 tab sp butter final product will turn out oily.
3. Chilli powder is optional you can remove it or can use crushed black pepper.
4. Make sure that oil for deep frying is hot enough,if the oil is not hot enough muruku will turn oily.
To check the oil is hot enough drop a pinch of dough in to the oil if the dough raises immediately then oil is ready for frying the muruku..


Oct 19, 2014

Tadkewali Moongdal

My final recipe for this week under north Indian side dish is a dal. A perfect side dish for rice, I can enjoy this type of simple dal with rice pickle and pappad.. Perfect simple meal right?. Actually  this tadkewali  dal is made with toor dal . But this recipe I learn from my friend when I was in Khajuraho. She is from Indore and she is the one who teach me most of the MP and UP dishes. Those days I even don't know how to make fhulkas(pulka),she used to hold my hands and teach me how to roll and fry pulkas on direct fire. I think I am very blessed to have friends like this. This is a simple recipe but very comfort food.
Let's check the recipe  
Ginger --- 1 inch piece chopped
Garlic --- 4 cloves chopped
Oil ---- 2 tab sp
Moong dal ---  1 cup
Red chili powder --- 1/2 tea sp
Turmeric powder --- 1/4 tea sp
Salt to taste
Mustard seeds ---  1/2 tea sp
Dry red chillies ---- 1 broken
Onion --- 1 small chopped
Tomato ---- 1 small chopped
green chilies -- 2 slit
Garam masala --- 1 /2 tea sp
Cumin powder   ---  1/4 tea sp
1. Dry roast moong dal till golden and add water to cover the dal and cook till soft. switch off the heat and mash the dal well.
2.  Heat 1 tab sp oil in a pan add chopped ginger,chopped garlic, onion and fry till golden then add chopped tomato, slit green chillis fry for a while.
3. Now add red chilli powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder, garam masala powder mix well and add cooked and mashed moong dal add a half cup of water it the dal is too thick, add salt to taste mix well and bring to full boil and switch off the heat.
4. Now heat the other 1 tab sp oil in a pan add mustard seeds let them popup then add broken red chillies and add this tadka to the dal, garnish with cumin powder and serve hot with steamed basmati rice , jeera aloo, pappad and pickle.

Oct 18, 2014

Channa Masala

My all time favorite for puri or with pav is channa masala. Normally for pav bread we make bhaji with vegetables. I don't know if any body serve pav with channa masala or not but I like this combination very much. I usually i soak channa in a large quantity and use them in few ways. With 1/4 of them I make sprouts for salad, 1/4 I use in salads rest of them will go in to channa masala. Again Channa masala I use for two meals for break fast with pav and for lunch with fulka. 
                                                                             In original Punjabi channa masala recipe they don't add potato, that is my addition. If you add potato to channa masala that makes a wonderful combination and by mistake your curry turns in to more watery, you can mash this potato cubes to make it thick. If you don't like to add potato can remove from the ingredients. To day I made this channa masala with puri but the puri's are vanished by the time I took the picture.... That is my part of channa masala I had it with bread toast...
Let's check the recipe...   
Channa (chick peas) --- 1 cup
Potato  ----  1 big  cut in to cubesOnion  ---- 1 chopped
Tomato --- 1 chopped
Ginger  --- 1/2 tea sp chopped
Garlic  --- 1/2 tea sp chopped
Red chilli powder -- 1 tea sp
Turmeric powder -- 1/4 tea sp
Coriander powder --- 1/2 tea sp
Cumin powder ---  1/2 tea spGaram masala powder --- 1/2 tea sp
Chat masala powder -- 1/4 tea sp
Salt  --- 1 tea sp or according to your taste.
Oil  ---  1 tab sp (you can use olive oil for this)
Coriander leaves ---  1 tab sp chopped
Cumin seeds -- 1teasp
1.Soak chick peas in enough water for over night.
2. Heat 1 tab sp oil add cumin seeds fry for a while then add chopped onions fry till onion becomes soft.
3. Now add chopped tomato, chopped ginger, chopped garlic give a good stir.
4. Then add salt to taste, red chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, garam masala powder give a good stir and cook till tomato turns in to soft.
5. Then add soaked channa,potato cubes,half chopped coriander leaves, 1/2 cup water mix well cover and cook till chick peas become soft.
If you would like to do this process in a pressure cooker then do the all process in a pressure pan after you add channa cover and cook till two whistles.
6. Check if the chick peas are cooked then add chat masala, remaining coriander leaves mix well
Switch off the heat  and serve hot with puri or naan or with pav bread...
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Oct 17, 2014

Paneer Pasanda

My first recipe under North Indian Side dish for BM45. My first recipe under this theme is with paneer. We both like paneer, so I use it once in every 15 days. Long back I have tasted this paneer pasanda in a restaurant from that time I wanted to try this at home. Paneer pasanda is a recipe where paneer was stuffed with dry fruits and paneer mixture then deep fried and served with a rich creamy gravy. Perfect side dish with roti and naan.. So lets check the recipe 
Paneer  ----    250 gms
Cashew nuts  ---  1 tab sp chopped
Raisins   --- 1 tab sp
Green chutney  ---  2 tab sp or you can use one tab sp chopped coriander, one tab sp chopped mint with one finely chopped green chilli freshly chopped herbs will give a better flavor. I used chooped not the green chutney.
Salt to taste
Cornflour --- 4 tabs p
For gravy:--
Oil  ---  2 tab sp
Cinnamon -- 2 inch sticks 2
Cardamom  --  4
Bay leaves  ---  2
Cloves  --  4
Onion  ----  2 medium
Green chillies  ---  2 finely chopped
Ginger garlic paste  ---  2 tea sp
Tomato  pure  --  1/2 cup
Red chilli powder  ---  1 tea sp
Turmeric powder  ---  1/4 tea sp
Coriander powder  ---  1 tea sp
Salt to taste
Cream   ---  1/2 cup
1. Cut onion in to cubes, boil one cup water in a pan add onion cubes and cook for one minute. Switch off the heat, drain the water in to another bowl and store this water we can use this water for gravy.
Now grind this boiled onion in to a fine paste and set a side.
2. Cut the paneer in to four thin slices and mash the remaining paneer.
3. Finely chop the cashew nuts and add to mashed paneer along with raisins,chopped green chillies, chopped coriander, chopped mint or green chutney, salt to taste and mix well to combine.
4. Now spread this paneer and cashew mixture on one paneer slice, place the other paneer slice on top of it cut in to triangles.
5. Make a thick batter with cornflour and 1/2 cup water.
6. Heat oil in deep frying pan. Dip the stuffed paneer pieces in this cornflour batter and fry in the hot oil till golden, remove from oil  and set a side.
7. Now for gravy heat oil in a pan add bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves and cardamom saute for a while then add onion paste and ginger garlic paste saute for three minutes.
8. Add tomato puree saute for two minutes then add turmeric powder, red chilli powder, coriander powder, Green chillies, salt to taste mix well and saute for two minutes then add 1/2 cup water(here we can use that water which we saved from boiled onion) and cook for 5 minutes. 
9. Add paneer triangles to the gravy, mix once very gently and cook for three more minutes.
10. finely add cream and switch off the heat.
Serve hot with Roti, naan, pulao.
1. You can shallow fry the paneer .
2. Can add crushed kasoori  methi in the gravy.
3. Can add grated carrot in the stuffing to make more colorful.
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Oct 5, 2014

Home Remedies With Ginger

My final remedy for this week is with Ginger. Ginger is a natural herb or root vegetable that is widely used in all cuisines. It is used as a medicine in Ayurveda from long time in India. We all use ginger in our cooking a lot as a cooking ingredient. But this this wonderful root have lots of health benefits. 
Ginger prevents cold and flu.. because ginger contain antiviral and anti toxic, antifungal properties
Add one tea sp of dry ginger powder and a big pinch of turmeric powder in a glass of hot milk and drink this gives  you relief from cold, flu and mild fever.
You can make a ginger tea (only water don't add milk to this ginger tea)
Boil one cup water with a tea sp of grated ginger for few minutes add candy sugat or jaggery for taste mix well and have it hot. This gives an instant relief from cold, blocked nose and indigestion.
Yes ginger helps to improve digestion, it helps relax the gastrointestinal muscles hence preventing gas and bloating.
One more best remedy with ginger is for nausea and vomiting. When ever you have this problem have a cup of ginger tea with a few drops of lemon juice, you feel better.
Here also don't add milk to the tea.
This is a Home remedy for immediate relief better consult your doctor for further treatment
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