4 pieces --bread (i used normal bread you can use your favorite type of bread)
2 eggs
1/2 cup --milk
1/2 tea sp -- cinamon powder
1 tab sp -- sugar (or you can use salt as per taste and pepper)
Butter for frying

Remove the crust of the bread(If you want,Idid'nt remove that).
Crack eggs in to a bowl and add 1/2 cup milk, 1tab sp sugar(or salt and pepper),1/2 tea sp cinamon powder beat well
Heat a flat pan add a little butter to it, dip the bread slices in egg mixture bouth sides completely covered with egg mixture now if you like sprinkle some more cinamon powder on it
and fry it till golden colour
Remove and serve with any fruit you like, like banana or apple with a cup of hot coffee or hot chocolate ENJOY IT
French toast looks yumm yumm....
Looks delicious & yumm yumm yumm...
Umm Looks yum..I love french toast :)
french oast looks yummy .. wud love to have it for breakfast right now
Good one...looks yum...great pic too:)
Toast looks yummy and crispy
looks so yummy. I love french toast, without the eggs:D. I make this for my daughter with the eggs though. After a long time, seeing something simple on someone's blog. Feels nice:-)
hey rekha,thirumba u have started posting posts in a flow....sry didnt chk ur posts for past 2 days..
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