Blueberries.. This beautiful indigo colored cute berries are native to North America. In India it's very hard to get this fruit fresh, But in some big cities you can get them caned or dried that also with great difficult. Recently i started searching for some ingredients which we generaly don't use in indian cuisine. In that list this blueberries are one. It's quite natural most of us don't know what blueberries are and how they look. But this is a normal fruit in America.
In my search of blueberries I went in to store here where we normally get almost imported ingredients. This store have fresh fruit and vegetable section also I went in side, ask for blueberries. The store keeper said that they have and i was surprised and very happy. He ran to the fresh fruits section came back with bag full of Indian blackberry fruits. Which we all know very well as Jamuns or neredu pandlu in telugu. That time you must see my face all happy is gone and again started the search. Any way I finely got the dried once but never saw the fresh berries here. If anybody know that where we get fresh Blueberries in chennai please let me know. Here is the recipe for today........
Blueberries and Indian black berries are two different fruits for blueberries chek this link
For Indian blackberries check this link
Melted Butter -- 200 gms
Icing sugar (powder sugar) ---- 150 gms if you like can add other 25gms sugar
Baking powder --- 1/2 tea sp
Maida (all purpose flour) --- 200 gms
Salt a pinch
Blueberry's --- 3/4 cup dried
1. Preheat the oven in 250 degree C for 10 minutes.
2. Mix melted butter and sugar in amixing bowl till it turn in to a creamy texture.
3. Then add flour, salt, baking powder, blueberries and make a soft dough. This dough should be like chapathi dough.
4. Grease the baking tray with little butter.
5. Make small balls out of the dough and slightly press to make them little flat, place this cookies in the greased baking tray.
6. Reduce the oven heat to 150 degreeC and place the cookie tray in the oven, bake the blueberry butter cookies for 10 minutes
7. After 10 minutes remove the tray from oven now these cookies ae soft so let them coll on a wirerack for some time then store this delicious cookies in a air tigh container
With this mesurement you can get 20 cookies.
This is entry for Harinis Vege Fruit A Month event by Priya of Mharo Rajasthan Recipes.
And also for Valli's Cookie Mela
In my search of blueberries I went in to store here where we normally get almost imported ingredients. This store have fresh fruit and vegetable section also I went in side, ask for blueberries. The store keeper said that they have and i was surprised and very happy. He ran to the fresh fruits section came back with bag full of Indian blackberry fruits. Which we all know very well as Jamuns or neredu pandlu in telugu. That time you must see my face all happy is gone and again started the search. Any way I finely got the dried once but never saw the fresh berries here. If anybody know that where we get fresh Blueberries in chennai please let me know. Here is the recipe for today........
Blueberries and Indian black berries are two different fruits for blueberries chek this link
For Indian blackberries check this link

Melted Butter -- 200 gms
Icing sugar (powder sugar) ---- 150 gms if you like can add other 25gms sugar
Baking powder --- 1/2 tea sp
Maida (all purpose flour) --- 200 gms
Salt a pinch
Blueberry's --- 3/4 cup dried

1. Preheat the oven in 250 degree C for 10 minutes.
2. Mix melted butter and sugar in amixing bowl till it turn in to a creamy texture.
3. Then add flour, salt, baking powder, blueberries and make a soft dough. This dough should be like chapathi dough.
4. Grease the baking tray with little butter.
5. Make small balls out of the dough and slightly press to make them little flat, place this cookies in the greased baking tray.
6. Reduce the oven heat to 150 degreeC and place the cookie tray in the oven, bake the blueberry butter cookies for 10 minutes
7. After 10 minutes remove the tray from oven now these cookies ae soft so let them coll on a wirerack for some time then store this delicious cookies in a air tigh container
With this mesurement you can get 20 cookies.
This is entry for Harinis Vege Fruit A Month event by Priya of Mharo Rajasthan Recipes.
And also for Valli's Cookie Mela
Cookies look delicious
I love blueberries and the cookies look good. BTW, they are not available in Mumbai too. Sometimes some of the hypermarts do stock fresh blueberries when it is in season.
oh cookie is nice...
if u have time plz visit my blog
They look great!!
Scrumptious cookies..
I am glad you could lay your hands on blueberries. Really appreciate your interest. These cookies look melt-in-the-mouth :)
Wow those blueberries are really looking so good..I think your efforts really paid off, for the cookies are really tempting!
these look so good - I have dried blueberries but only thing I use them for is putting in oatmeal. WIll def. try these
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