Chick pea flour -- 1 cup
Horlicks --- 3/4 cup
water -- 1/4 cup (to make horlicks paste)
water --- 1/2 cup (to make sugar syrup)
Sugar -- 1& 1/2 - 2 cups
Extra ghee - 2 tab sp
Ghee -- 1 cup(clarified butter)
1. Take 1/4 cup water, boil till warm and add horlicks and make a paste and set a side.
2. Heat extra ghee in a pan till smoking stage and add to chick pea flour and first mix with a spoon (because ghee is very hot) then rub with your hand till chick pea flour turns in to crumbs texture.
3. And sieve through a sieve to get a lump less smooth powder and leave a side.
4. Take a big heavy bottom pan add sugar and 1/2 cup water and make a 1 string consistency syrup.
5. Now add fried chick pea flour little by little after you finish adding flour add horlicks paste immediately ( This process you should do fast other wise mysore pak will turn in to burfi so do this work as fast as you can)
6 By the time you finish adding flour and horlicks paste, this mixture will start bubbling and become thick.
7. In the same time heat 1 cup ghee on the other side till smoking stage.
8.By the time you finished adding chick pea flour the ghee should be ready with very hot smoking stage.
9. Now start adding ghee little by little keep string this processes will take 15 sec. by the time you finish adding ghee. Here In this stage of Mysore pak don't change your attention other wise Mysore pak may become a big disaster so keep your eyes and attention in mysore pak pan.Keep stirring while you adding ghee and do this process in a medium heat. If you fallow the steps of that 15 sec. time I am sure you can make a delicious Mysore pak.
10. By the time you finish the ghee you can see the bubbles all over the mixture in the pan and it will start leaving the sides of the pan in this stage..
11.Immediately pour this mixture in to a greased plate leave it to cool for 10 min. and cut in to pieces.
This recipe gives soft mysore pak not the hard one which we get in the store and this will sty for 6 months.
This is my finel recipe for Blogging marathon 14th edition group 2 in the theme of combo theme of 3. Lets check the Marathon page for other recipes..