Smoothies are my all time favourite,fruites with milk or curd[Yogurt] with a little honey or sugar.Wpw in this hot summer afternoons inU.A.E. smoothies or cool juices will give a lot of energy ,and hear I go with the recipes of some different smoothies.Ihave adopted this recipe from KRAFT FOODS
11/2 cup--milk
1/2 cup--venilla low fat yogutr
1small-banana cut in to chunks
4tebsps-tang orange flavour drink mix
Place all ingredients in to a blender blend untill smoth and serve immedietely
This is for 2 servings
As per recipe owner says Idid'nt add any sugar or honey to the smoothie so this is a low cal... drink Ican say.
This smoothie is going to Frozen Yogurt -A Cool Summer Event hosted by siri at siri's-corner
Wow!! your smoothie looks cool. good entry
Thank u somuch vegetable platter for you r compliment
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